And I hope you know who you are, are worth everything.
Friends make life sweeter, more wholesome and more worth living. They make troubles more bearable, they help you make it through sadness.
And they make joy that much more joyful.
Sometimes, when I'm feeling down and alone or troubled I just want to crawl up inside and hide.
I did that before. Just curled up and wasn't coming out, till I finally reached out to a friend, and well like I said, thank G-d for friends.
I'm a loner by nature. Curling up is easy to do. Going within is like breathing almost. It is extending myself that is hard, going to a party, or joining friends for some fun times. Sounds weird, I know. Most people hear "party" and they come on down. I hear party and I think of ten reasons why I can't go. It isn't that I don't enjoy myself once I'm there, I do. I have a great time; oh I'm not the life of the party or anything, but I laugh and mingle and relax. But I have to push myself to get out the door.
But it is a step I've learned to take.
Improving oneself isn't always about the serious stuff. Sometimes you need to relax and let go.
Know they enemy...and Blame THEM
1 week ago
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