OK Hashem. I remember having this conversation with You recently...I mean I know I'm getting older but my memory isn't going yet.
I remember saying basically I CANNOT take it anymore.
Too much. Too much stress. Too much worry. Not enough of what I need; money being tops in my mind, but other things as well.
I can't take it anymore! Let me off this ship! Let me sleep and do nothing for a month. I want quiet. I want rest. I want, most of all, to have a break from worry.
So what happens? YOU GIVE ME MORE!
What gives? WHY? You don't believe me? You really think I can take more on my plate? You want to prove me wrong....
Point taken.
Know they enemy...and Blame THEM
1 week ago
I think I'm eating off that same plate Rachel Ann! Hang in there my friend, and know I'm here if you need to vent! ")
Rachel Ann, there is a video on Aish for Tisha B'Av.. Watch it and you will be saying "I CAN" all day just like me.. helped me so much!
Thank you both for your words!! I guess I should have listened on Tisha B'Av
Rachel Ann, you've just described my life for the last 3 years. :/ You are not alone. (hugs)
Did you read my tweet about my silly dog? I give him treats every day but he still cries and whines AS I'm giving it to him as if I won't. HASHEM may be saying to you, "I made you, Daughter. Do you not trustt ME to know how much I can ask of you?" A child never thinks s/he can learn or do until s/he has. Trust & walk forward. The G-D of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob is with you. -Arieliondotcom
Rachel Ann, I know you are stressed to the gills so I want to give you this little clip of inspiration. Rabbi Brody teaches that when we feel down we should only thank HaShem and not complain. Easier said than done, I know. I hope this helps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r0FEfS_mP8&feature=player_embedded
Oh wow!!! Thank you everyone, thank you!!!
Ruth...Hugs back!! And to you as well Onetiredmommy.
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