ISO perfect wallet. Is that too much to ask? Yet this simple item seems to have eluded me. I've looked for it here, I've looked for it there, I've pursued it, well not quite everywhere, but wherever I could pursue it; and it is not to be found. I find close to its, but never THAT'S IT! That's what I want.
The perfect wallet for me is not so extraordinary, at least I don't think it is; it has a fold out billfold, just a bit deeper, no more than a 3cm, than the money I would put into it. It has a change purse, expandable, that snaps close with a firm click, that is in the same area as the billfold, so my money is all in one place. It has a place to put my credit card and time card, that is separate from the billfold/change purse. It has a catch all area, that I can unzip, to hold things that I really should find a better place for, but can't. If it is really absolutely perfect it has a little place to clip a pen and a place to put a small writing pad.
It can't be too long, it can't be too short. I like a reddish brown thank you.
Oh, and it needs to be fairly cheap.
Alright...maybe it is impossible. Maybe what I want I have to either make myself or make do with the less than perfect wallet I have now, but keep my eyes open because one never knows.
And maybe that is often what life is about. Accepting what is, but realizing that what one wants could come up anytime, so keep your eyes and ears open, and look for opportunities to improve.
Know they enemy...and Blame THEM
1 week ago
Sounds like a great wallet. If you happen to find one, please get two and I will reimburse you for it! Seriously, I've been looking (not seriously, but theoretically) for such a wallet. One that has everything easily accessible. Thanks!
I will do so! Maybe I'll have luck when I go to the USA. LMK what color I should get.
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